Shutterstock best way to make money online - my first sell on shutterstock

Shutterstock best way to make money online - my first sell on shutterstock


               Hello guys today I will share with you my experience on shutterstock. Shutterstock is best platform to sale on online images. This platform is easy for starting stock images. And you can sell video but I am not uploaded yet on shutterstock. I have only experience about stock images. So I will share with you my knowledge about Shutterstock. And my first sell on shutterstock.

Shutterstock payment method :- Paypal, Payoneer, Wire transfer, Skrill

My Shutterstock portfolio Click Here

Earning System

Shutterstock payment is depend on you sell of images.

Here is a income structure.

Lavel.                     Number of images.                you earn sell.      

Lavel 1.                          Up to 100.                                     15%

Lavel 2.                          101 to 250.                                    20%

Lavel 3.                          251 to 500.                                    25%

Lavel 4.                          501 to 2500.                                  30%

Lavel 5.                        2501 to 25000.                               35%

Lavel 6.                          Over 25000.                                 40%


             It is not easy to earn money on shutterstock contributor. If you have DSLR camera then you have to start and you have a knowledge about how to shoot photo in every situation. If you have a mobile phone then you start Shutterstock you will get rejection on many uploaded photo like out of focus, noise grain and many. 

                        You have to learn many condition of shutterstock. Main thing is that what type of picture you have upload on shutterstock, there is two type commercial and editorial. Commercial category picture used on everywhere. So if you upload people, land, building and tattoo etc photo on Shutterstock you have to make model release. If you haven't model release then you have to choose editorial option. Editorial images only used on newspapers, news and articles etc.

My first sell on shutterstock

            I start Shutterstock on 2020 December. And l already mention earning money on Shutterstock isn't easy. I have canon 6D mark ii DSLR camera and I submitted more the 300 images ( click by my dslr camera) on Shutterstock stock but Shutterstock approve only 100 images. So, don't think to upload mobile photography. If you want to upload mobile photography and you have to edit your images on photoshop and make it perfect.

You can see here some rejection region.

        But my images was start selling when I upload 75 images. At this time my one image sell 3 times and other 2 here is proof.

You can see my Shutterstock portfolio Click Here

Start earning on Shutterstock Sign up Click Here


  If you make more than 5000 pictures on Shutterstock then your sales will be increases. In my view monthly 20$ to 50$. In my opinion, if you have many images stored on your hard disk then you have to start Shutterstock but not make a main business make it a side business.

Thank you for visited.

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