Stock images
If you are photographer and do you want make money online, then you are in right place. There is a various way to make money but today we are discuss about the stock images sell.
Do you know we sall image on online. There is a various website platform to sales images on online so today we have discuss about stock images and website.
Why they purchased our uploaded stock images?
Nowaday every company, social media, government office, various companies and corporate office need stock images. For Example, social media from usa need Eiffel tower image. Thay can't use google search image because of copyright problem. Then they had to buy online photo because cost is verry high to go italy and take a Eiffel tower photo.
Top 10 stock images website & and their payment method.
1). Shutterstock :- Shutterstock is one of the best platform for selling stock images it give you 10% of income in first hundred image sell after selling hundred image then your income also increase between 10% to 60% of income. this website menu system is so easy for beginner.
This website payment method :- Payoneer, skrill, PayPal
2). EyeEm :- EyeEm have unique concept for stock photography there was various category to show your skill sale your photo, get hire for shoot, join the community and they give you awards and missing.
This website payment method :- PayPal
3). iStockphoto :- Contributors apply before they are eligible to upload their images. sale received royalties rates start at 15% for photo and 20% for illustrations and video with exclusive salers earning between 25% to 45%.
This website payment method :- PayPal, Payoneer, Skrill, local bank
4). Dreamstime :- Dreamstime also best platform to sales images. this website menu system also so easy, easy to upload photo and easy for withdraw money.
This website payment method :- paypal, Payoneer, Skrill and local bank
5). Alamy :- Alamy is best another website to sell your stock images. Alamy pay 50% of full pay some time you make over 50% per image.
This website payment method :- fund transfer to your bank account, PayPal, Skrill
6). Fotolia :- Fotolia is the best for selling images online. it's payment system is so easy. it had longest libraries of content out of the premium stroke images website.
This website payment method :- Payoneer, PayPal, Skrill, Local bank transfer, Web money
7). 123Rf : - 123Rf also grate site if you are planning to selling images online. 123Rf pay you 30% per download thay pay you 60% dependent on how it deep you are how popular your photo are.
This website payment method :- PayPal, Money bookers, Via chaque
8). Bigstockphoto :- Bigstockphoto provide you best platform to selling your images. your income depend on how your image quality visual content.
This website payment method :- PayPal, Skrill, Bank chaque
9). Stocksy :- Stocksy is also best for selling online images.
This website payment method :- Payoneer, PayPal, Bank Cheque
10). Crestock :- Crestock is simple site and it's manu system is so easy to use. you can easily upload images on this site first you have to sign up you will receive 20% to 40% commission on each photo.
This website payment method :- PayPal
Note:- Click on every site title to go contributor signup page.
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