Canon EOS R1 details and specification in my view

 Canon EOS R1 In My View

Feature of DSLR
                      The r1 which should be similar to the 1dx series. The r1 is rumored to have an 85 mp sensor. We're looking at 20 fps in 85 megapixel mode When you're shooting photo that's pretty fast but you can get even higher in 21 megapixel mode at 40 fps that's pretty fast for taking some photos.

      The r1 have global shutter so 85 megapixel global shutter in a mirrorless camera which is a huge benefit so look forward to having a global shutter and a mirrorless camera normally. I see that or mostly see that in cinema cameras. But i actually am not quite sure if they put it in cameras for photo purposes.

       We're looking at a quad pixel autofocus most of the canons. They used to dual pixel autofocus this one has quad pixel autofocus. So i mean the r5's autofocus is already like you can't get better than that and then they do this so expect some really good autofocus on video and photo.

        The next major thing is the iso it goes from 160 which is weird because usually it starts at 100 all the way up to 1 million 638400 so we can definitely expect some major improvements in the low light category. 

        The canon r1 have other non so major thing is 15.5 dynamic range stops. That's not really crazy but it is nice. It still is going to have five axis ibis and body stabilization up to nine stops. It's going to have an oled touch screen that looks pretty impressive. 

        It's going to be a very nice looking on screen. The electronic viewfinder is going to be improved and pretty nice. we're looking at 120 hertz almost 10 megapixels so that's probably going to look a lot nicer than ones.

        You're used to seeing and then the big ticket item 8500$ now with the 1dx series i think the most recent one was 6500$ an extra 2000 i'm not quite sure is that worth it however with the global shutter and few other things maybe but for 8500$.

        I probably would end up buying a cinema camera but in that range i don't know if there's any that come with a global shutter so it's kind of win-lose if it had an internal fan maybe because it won't overheat but who knows we'll have to see when the time comes but that's quite a large chunk of change if you're doing mostly video if you are a photographer this is a solid sports camera or all-around camera.

Canon EOS R1 Specification

Sensor: 85MP global shutter CMOS

Shutter speed : 85MP at 20fps, 21MP at 40fps with unlimited continued shooting

Focus:- Full Sensor Large Quad Pixel Auto Focus

Dynamic Range: 15+ stops

ISO :-  160-1638400

Stabilization :- 5-axis IBIS up to 9 stops

Screen :- 3.5” 9.33MP 1280nit 10-bit WCG RGB-OLED touch screen with 120Hz AE-AF

Viewfinder :- 9.44MP 120Hz SuperSpeed AE-AF electronic viewfinder

Price: $8,500

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